- Noahide Laws and Talmud reign news -
- Steve and Jana Chat (Messianic Jews)
Israeli News Live - March 20, 2019
- Daily Prayer Book for Non-Jews
to Bring in the Redemption
- By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz March 18,
2019 , 4:50 pm
- Oh, hear in Your heavenly abode
and grant all that the foreigner asks You for. Thus all the peoples
of the earth will know Your name and revere You, as does Your
people Yisrael; and they will recognize that Your name is attached
to this House that I have built. I Kings 8:43 (The
Israel Bible)
As preparations move forward to build the Third Temple as the
House of Prayer for All Nations, rabbis are beginning
to cope with the practical issues of what that prayer will be.
One rabbi has prepared a prayer book specifically for non-Jews
that contains daily prayers as well as for any occasion.
- Under the direction of Rabbi Oury Amos
Cherki, the Noahide World Center-Brit Olam created a prayer book
for Noahides. Noahides are non-Jews who perform the seven
Noahide laws incumbent upon all of mankind
with the intention of doing so because it is Gods will.
[Ednote: God had nothing to do with the Noahide Laws. They resemble
Shariah Law] http://bnoah.org/
- The structure of the prayer book is
comprehensive and very close to that of the Jewish Siddur (order),
including prayers for regular weekdays, the Sabbath, holidays,
and a full Haggadah for the Passover seder ritual. There is also
a section titled Gates of Learning to help clarify
the fundamental principles of faith.
- Rav Cherki believes that it was essential
to create a prayer book for non-Jews now. As a part of
his philosophy, Rabbi Cherki places a particular emphasis
on the meaning of Zionism and the establishment of the state
of Israel.
- He asserts that the birth of modern
political Zionism signified the atchalta dgeulah (beginning
of the redemption) and the non-Jews play an important
role in this Jewish redemption. [Ednote: The non-Jews will be
the sacrifice for redemption or so they teach. They don't believe
that Jesus Christ died for their sins.]
The increase of people observing the Noahide laws is very
important in this era, Rabbi Cherki told Breaking Israel
News. The nation of Israel is currently in a process of
geula (redemption). This is evident from our return to our land
and our sovereign national identity. [Ednote: Their return
to Israel is a sign to believers in Christ Jesus that the Tribulation
prophesied is at hand]
- This being the case, he maintains that
it is now time for Jewish people to perform their Biblically
mandated universal function: to bring blessing to all humanity
while respecting the distinct national identities. [Ednote: The
twelve tribes (the 144,000) will run the Millennium after the
Tribulation and Christ's return.]
- The creation of the State of Israel
has made it once again incumbent upon us as Jews to once again
act as a light unto the nations, Rabbi Cherki said.
- [Ednote: These Jews are still waiting
for their Messiah. He will return to them after the Tribulation.
They will recognize His scars and realize that they crucified
Him in 33 A.D.]
- This began with Biblical Abraham
and through this, all the people of the world were blessed. It
is possible to say that this is the nature of the Jews, our very
essence, and the fact that we did not act as such during the
exile. [Ednote: The Jews were exiled twice, first to Egypt and
second after Solomon's Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. through
- This is only because we were fighting
for our survival but it is now time to return to being a light
unto the nations. [Ednote: Since the Jews' light is not
the teachings of the New Testament, it is the wrong light. Satan
comes as an angel of light.]
- It is clear that as we begin to
transmit the word of God to the nations that they will, as the
Prophet Isaiah said, turn to Jerusalem to receive this instruction.
[Ednote: The Apostle Paul was assigned to teach Gentiles, Isaiah
is a prophet of the Old Testament that speaks to Jews]
- And the many peoples shall go and say:
Come, Let us go up to the Mount of Hashem, To the House
of the God of Yaakov; That He may instruct us in His ways, And
that we may walk in His paths. [Ednote: Believers in Christ
Jesus are the Temple of God]
- For instruction shall come forth from
Tzion, The word of Hashem from Yerushalayim. Isaiah 2:3 [Ednote:
Instruction comes from the Holy Spirit within Believers in Christ
- As the nations turn to Jerusalem
for instruction, it will, as a direct result, increase their
spiritual lives, Rabi Cherki said. We have to provide
for this need. [Ednote: The Holy Spirit increases non-Jews'
spirtual lives]
- [Ednote: In the following discussion
the Jews differentiate themselves from Gentiles. They know how
to pray. Gentiles don't and they need the Noahide Laws which
forbids idolatry. If a Gentile is caught worshipping Jesus, he
or she is beheaded.]
- As such, Brit Olam produced a unique
prayer book to fill this need.
- This prayer book allows for people
to pray a spontaneous, unstructured prayer as well as the ability
to join in Jewish prayers which are structured in a specific
- Jewish prayer is only in a specific
formula and at specific times. This was instituted after the
destruction of the Temple in order to imbue the prayers with
a ritual element.
- Though based on Jewish prayer, the Brit
Olam prayer book is very different than a Jewish
- There is no need for the nations
to pray according to a specific formula, Rabbi Cherki explained.
What we did in our siddur was to make suggestions, a taste,
to shed upon the prayer a Jewish light they can access if they
choose. We did so at the request of Noahides who came
to us. [Ednote: Since Noah and his family were the only
humans who survived the flood, we are all descendants of Noah.]
- There are other differences as well.
- For example, for clear practical
reasons, a non-Jew cannot use the expression, the God of
my fathers as Jews do when praying, Rabbi Cherki
explained. In this case, they will need to refer to the
God of Israel or the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
- A surprising addition to the Brit Olam
prayer book was the Shema, the twice-daily declaration by Jews
of Gods unity.
- The nations may say the first
line of the Shema which is a declaration of faith that God is
one, Rabbi Cherki said. According to Jewish sources,
in the future, God will be one throughout the world. This verse
describes a dynamic in history through which God will be revealed
as one to the entire world. [Ednote: Their declaration
of faith that God will be one throughout the world can only happen
if every human being practices Noahide laws which the Zionist
Jews are not going to do]
- There are many aspects of Jewish
prayer the non-Jew may not participate in. For
example, a non-Jew may not go up to read from the Torah.
It is much better for the Noahide to organize his own prayer.
- In addition to prayers, our siddur
contains life advice for events such as mourning, weddings, birth,
and the like.
- There is no need for Jews and
non-Jews to pray together but neither is this forbidden.
It is better for communities to organize in a manner that is
more-suited for them. Noahides are more than welcome to join
in with Jewish prayers, even in a synagogue and we will receive
them with love and joy.
- This multi-national prayer is consistent
with Rabbi Cherkis vision of the Third Temple on the
Temple Mount as a place of universal prayer. [Ednote: The
Third Temple is built for the Anti-Christ. Jews are still waiting
for their Messiah. In their minds they will resort to sacrificial
rituals to cover their sins by sacrificing animals which will
be stopped by Anti-Christ when he decares himself to be God]
- "I will bring them to My sacred
mount And let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt
offerings and sacrifices Shall be welcome on My mizbayach; For
My House shall be called A house of prayer for all peoples.
Isaiah 56:7
- Just as there are places in the
Temple set aside for Kohanim that non-Kohanim may not enter,
there will be places non-Jews will not enter. But
there will be places for them to participate in the Temple service
and to pray, just as there were in the First and Second Temples.
- Rabbi Cherki requested that the article
contain a blessing for the readers.
- I would like to bless all of mankind
to see how we uniquely merited to live in the time when the nation
of Israel returned to our land so that we can finally fulfill
our mission to serve as the hosts at the center of brotherhood
for all of mankind to become closer to God, Rabbi Cherki
said. [Ednote: Believers in Christ Jesus, have direct access
to God by means of the Holy Spirit in them who communicates their
prayers and needs to God. God help us not to get caught up in
these lies]
- The Brit Olam prayer book can be viewed
in part as a PDF
5775 2015 pdf file Inside_Siddur.pdf
- Bold lettering and Ednotes by Rita Williams
of Cephas Ministries.
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